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Participatory Convening

The Participatory Convening welcomes participants to develop the collective capacity to deeply listen, experience connection, and begin to establish a strong foundation for collaboration and change. Over one day, through interactive and dialoguing approaches, interwoven with mindful practices, participants will explore key questions and ideas related to global mental health innovation. Participants are encouraged to share their initiatives, campaigns, or new publications for peer learning. The event concludes through a co-visioning session to determine future global/regional initiatives to deepen and carry forward an agenda for global mental health innovation.

The sessions will be structured and facilitated in a manner that follows a three-stage framework:

  • Stage I: Landscape of Listening: This stage brings participants together to develop the collective capacity to deeply listen, experience connection, and begin to establish a strong foundation for collaboration and change.
  • Stage II: Co-Facilitate an Impact Space: This stage welcomes participants to engage in an immersive, human-centred design process to collectively strategize the field of global mental health innovation.
  • Stage III: Co-Evolving a New Ecosystem This phase aims to solidify new relational and action-based capacities for creating a meaningful and sustainable global mental health innovation ecosystem.

Below is an overview of the Participatory Convening. A detailed agenda of the “Parallel Track Themes” will be provided later in February, after consultation of objectives and topics from the Advisory Panel and the global community. You can contribute and share your thoughts on objectives and topics through the Global Community Survey.




Virtual doors open


Landscape of Listening

Housekeeping & Overview of the day

Plenary Theme 1:

Defining & reimagining global mental health innovation: what is it & what can it become?


Co-facilitating an

Impact Space

Parallel tracks:

Theme 2 + Theme 3 + Theme 4


Parallel Tracks:

Theme 5 + Theme 6 + Theme 7


Plenary theme 8:

Visioning a global task team and future directions

Co-evolving a new Ecosystem


Closing remarks

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